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Treatment Protocols

Treatments protocols available at Holy Grail Cancer Care:

1. Formula M natural chemo, “The Forbidden Hope for Cancer”
Based on DMSO+ much more. Customized to selectively target the specific malignancy. Saturates all areas of the body, crossing the blood/brain barrier, penetrating bone marrow and invading cerebrospinal fluid—areas beyond reach of standard chemo. Not legally available within the US.

2. UBI: Ultraviolet Biological Irradiation, aka “photoluminescence”.
Gentle, powerful anti-viral treatment & nature’s own natural antibiotic. Purifies the blood, treats sepsis and many other conditions, including Chronic Fatigue & Hep C. Eradicates viral triggers which are responsible for many of the major malignancies, thus preventing recurrence. Eliminates herpes B viruses & hpv, (human papilloma virus), both known to be cancer triggers. Eliminates dormant varicella zoster virus (chicken pox), thus preventing or resolving shingles in later life.

3. Vitamin B17, (amygdalin, sometimes called Laetrile), now included in Formula M natural chemotherapy.

4. Intravenous vitamin C.
We administer sodium ascorbate (from a non-GMO source.) It is far superior to standard ascorbic acid, and without the problems associated with it.

5. Human Growth Hormone (hGH).
This potent immune system booster is an adjunct (optional) treatment, not inclusive; available at discounted cost to patients who can show a post treatment PET scan which indicates all clear or that great progress has been achieved against cancer.

6. Coming Soon, in 2025: Clinical trial for qualified cancer patient candidates, with intravenous pancreatic enzyme therapy.

History In brief: A pioneering discovery was made by Scottish embryologist, Professor Jonathan Beard, who published evidence in his 1911 book, “The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis.”

In the briefest possible oversimplification, Dr. Beard noted that cancer behaves like early embryonic development in mammals, but then the rapid growth abruptly stops on about day 56 of embryonic development, halted by secretions produced by the embryonic pancreas. The embryo then proceeds to develop normally, at a far slower rate.

Dr. Beard published his records, which proved that doctors he had encouraged to provide his enzyme therapy to cancer patients did so, and with some remarkable successes.
Decades later, doctors in the US and elsewhere discovered Dr. Beard’s work and revived it, again, with success… until they were forced to cease, by conventional US medical authorities, who banned it in 1966.

It should be noted that in recent years, evidence from molecular biology and stem cell research have increasingly confirmed many of Dr. Beard’s precepts.

Intravenous pancreatic enzyme  is a powerful, proven treatment, with decades of history behind it.
It is presently only available in the US by oral ingestion, which is far less effective than the intravenous route. Here is why:

When taken orally, only about 80% is absorbed in the gut. The blood circulation then carries it to the liver, in what is known as first pass metabolism, where 80% is inactivated, leaving only about 12% of the original dose to do its job.

The 1966 US FDA restriction to oral administration was done with no justification. There was no evidence that intravenous pancreatic enzyme therapy had ever caused any patient harm. But the ban crippled a promising therapy, forcing patients to have to swallow capsules by the handful in an effort to compensate.

Over ten years ago, a brilliant maverick doctor (Nicolas Gonzalez MD) managed to get a clinical trial of this IV therapy approved in the US. But he had no control over the selection criteria or the precise parameters. He later discovered that the study had been sabotaged, by a combination of poor patient candidate selection and underdosing of those who might otherwise have survived.

As is often the case in double blind clinical trials within the US, half the patients (in the control group) likely received a placebo, while their cancers continued to advance. And the experimental group were not given a sufficient dosage to defeat or retard their cancer.

We call these common clinical trial practices outrageously unethical. The truth behind that study is published in Dr. Gonzalez’s book, “What Went Wrong” and in the report by Dr. Colin Ross, which exposed it as the rigged farce that it was.

The conventional medical lobby is too strong in the US to ever allow a fair trial of this affordable and humane, natural chemotherapeuic agent.
It bears repeating that intravenous pancreatic enzyme therapy is not at all experimental. It had decades of successful history behind it prior to the US ban in 1966.

Here at Holy Grail Cancer Care, the study criteria will be very different. There will be no “control group”, receiving a placebo. ALL patients who qualify and are accepted into the clinical trial program will receive intravenous pancreatic enzyme therapy, in a large enough dosage to be effective.

If you wish to apply to the IV Pancreatic Enzyme treatment program, the process begins by visiting this web site: http://camelotcancercare.is and clicking on the top green button for a consultation. A brief, 2 page medical history form will come up. Complete the few questions, then scroll down below and click on submit. It will be forwarded for our review. We will be in touch within a day.


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